Wiltshire Schools Dance Festival

Mid Wilts Dance FestivalThe annual schools dance festival is the flagship event of the Partnership, which brings together schools from across Mid Wiltshire in a celebration of dance.  The dance pieces include routines developed as part of curriculum PE lessons and after school clubs, run by enthusiastic teachers and extracurricular coaches and support staff.

Last year’s festival saw 52 performances from 49 schools and 1000 students taking part.

The theme for this year is ‘Our Wonderful World’ and I am very much looking forward to see how this will be interpreted.

WASP and Apple a Day thank you for your continued support of the Dance Festival.

Code of conduct

For coaches, teachers, pupils and spectators, please take a moment to read our code of conduct.

Countdown to the Dance Festival 2020








The Dance Festival is a three-day event commencing 11th February 2020.

Tickets go on sale on Monday 2nd December at 09:00 from the Bath Forum

Call: 01985 224219

The Dance Lady

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“Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine.”

Roy T Bennett

Get in touch

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If you require further information about any of the events featured on this site, please get in touch.

Devizes School, The Green, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 3AG

07910 271588

Based in Devizes, we work with schools in the surrounding areas including Lavington, Calne, Chippenham, Corsham and Malmesbury.